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6th grade NS Unit 1 Cells

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are protozoa always beneficial?
No, some are beneficial and some are harmful
What can have cilia, flagella or pseudopods?
Does the fungi kingdom form tissues?
No, it doesn't
What type of reproduction does algae exhibit?
asexual and sexual
What kingdom is mould a part of?
the fungi kingdom
What can the fungi kingdom be harmful for?
causing diseases and damaging crops
What can the fungi kingdom be beneficial for?
for making medicines, food and humus
What type of nutrition does the fungi kingdom exhibit?
heterotrophic nutrition
Does the protoctista kingdom form tissues?
No it doesn't
Which kingdom is unicellular and multicellular without tissues?
Why can the monea kingdom be harmful?
it can contaminate food and cause diseases
What type of nutrition does the monera kingdom exhibit?
autotrophic and heterotrophic
Which of the five kingdoms includes algae?
What kingdom are plants a part of?
What kingdom are animals a part of?
Which of the five kingdoms includes bacteria?
Name the 5 kingdoms
monera, protoctista, fungi, plantae, animalia
What can we organize multicellular things into?
into tissues, organs, systems
Are plants unicellular or multicellular?
Are humans unicellular or multicellular?
What can be divided into unicellular and multicellular?
living things
What are the two types of cells?
prokaryote and eukaryote
Does a prokaryote cell have few or many organelles?
few organelles
Where is the gentetic material in a prokaryote cell?
in the cytoplasm
What are the two types of eukaryotic cells?
plant and animal
Does an eukaryote have a nucleus?
Yes, it does
Does a prokaryote have a nucleus?
No, it doesn't
What are the three vital functions cells perform?
nutrition, interaction, reproduction
What are the smallest parts of a living thing?