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5th grade NS Unit 1 Cells

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do plants use to produce nutrients?
What do plants take in from the air?
carbon dioxide
What is it called when two living things (male and female) provide gametes that join together to form offspring that are similar to them?
sexual reproduction
What is the meaning of asexual?
a single living thing produces offspring that are identical to it
What are the two types of reproduction?
asexual and sexual
What is the reaction to changes in the environment?
What are the 4 phases of nutrition?
obtaining nutrients, respiration, using the substances obtained, expelling waste
Are plants autotrophic or heterotrophic?
Are humans autotrophic or heterotrophic?
What is the meaning of heterotrophic?
when living things feed on other living things
What is the meaning of autotrophic?
when living things produce their own nutrients
What are the three vital functions?
nutrition, interaction, reproduction
What are systems made up of?
different organs
What are organs made up of?
different tissues
What are tissues made up of?
several cells
How can we organize living things?
into tissues, organs and systems
Are humans unicellular or multicellular?
What is the meaning of multicellular?
with many cells
Is bacteria unicellular or multicellular?
What is the meaning of unicellular?
with a single cell
Where do substances leave and enter through the cell?
through the cell membrane
What covers the cell?
the cell membrane
What are the organelles in charge of?
producing the substances, obtaining energy, storing nutrients
What do we call the liquid in which the organelles float?
What controls cell activity?
genetic material
What are cells made up of?
a cell membrane, genetic mateial, cytoplasm, and several organelles
What is the smallest part of a living thing that can perform the vital functions?
a cell