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The portrait of Dorian Gray

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CHAPTER 5 Dorian locked the portrait at the top of his house TRUE FALSE
CHAPTER 5 Basil finally saw Dorian's character in the portrait TRUE OR FALSE
CHAPTER 5 After Basil had gone, Dorian covered the picture in a blue and gold cloth TRUE OR FALSE
CHAPTER 5 Dorian had put a screen in front of the portrait TRUE OR FALSE
CHAPTER 5 Dorian did not go to the opera TRUE OR FALSE
Chapter 5 What was drinking Dorian when Basil visited him?
He was drinking white wine
CHAPTER 4 What happened after Dorian left Sybil at the theatre?
She drank poison
CHAPTER 4 Lord Henry visited Dorian in the afternoon TRUE OR FALSE
CHAPTER 4 Dorian received a letter from......
Lord Henry
CHAPTER 4 Dorian wrote Sybil a long letter, he apologised for what he ha done and told her again how much he loved her. He had decided to _______ her after all
CHAPTER 4 Lord Henry had a positive influence on Dorian TRUE OR FALSE
CHAPTER 4: The picture Basil had painted of Dorian, was on Dorian's library wall, looked different. TRUE OR FALSE
CHAPTER 4 THE PICTURE CHANGES When Dorian arrived home, he was walking through the dining room in his house, on the way to his bedroom, when something suddenly seemed strange TRUE OR FALSE