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Halloween scooby do

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What picture from the encyclopedia was shown to Scooby and his friends by the woman in the reception
People who were dancing
What was the bird standing on Shaggy’s shoulder?
What was the color of the river which Scooby doo and Shaggy drink
pink, purple
Who wanted to eat Daphne’s hair
a deer
What did Velma take out from the jewel case (box)
triangular disk
24) How did Velma and her friend find the way to the witch’s house
follow the trail of liquid
Whom did the monster kidnap from the party?
a small dog
What food did the policeman, standing by the door, admire?
What animals came alive after spiritual session (give 2 examples)
bear, snake, deer, wolf , tiger
19) Where were Scooby and his friends when they got out of the lift?
in the basement
Who could resist Rude Boy's music
Scooby doo
What dish changed into monster?
What the weapon did Fred use to scare fake animal with tusks
a camera
What was strange about witch's house
it has legs
How did the gnome hurt people
by touching them, he paralyzed them
What did the warewolf sell
cotton candy
Where was Rude Boy standing when they open they opened the grave
on another grave, behind Scooby
Who had "the incredible one - hand experience" while driving
What was written on the Rude Boy's grave
RIP ( Reap in peace)
Where did the first scene take place
cemetery , graveyard