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What weapon does the Birmingham robber use?
He uses a TASER.
The masked criminal would like to have a ... .
ROLEX (Oyster)
The masked robber said: "I see them ... champagne at the parties."
The Machester victim, Kieren Hamilton, is a cryptocurrency ... .
The Manchester victim said: "He just ... my arm".
A synonym of 'collect'.
How much was taken from the Italian influencer?
50 000 EUROS
How were the robbers from the Italian influencer called?
The acrobat thieves
Many influencers live a ... lifestyle. (synonym of glamorous, luxurious)
How did the police catch Yunis Abbas?
He left his DNA when he overpowered the guard.
How long did Yunis Abbas spend in prison?
2 years
Translate the word 'doelwit'.
Kim K. was staying in the Ritz hotel in Paris when she got robbed.
False, Hotel de Pourtalès
roofoverval (synonym of 'robbery', more violent)
The robbers of Kim K arrived on bike, and one gang member simply walked (in)to the hotel.
How were the gang members who robbed Kim K. dubbed?
The grandpa robbers
How much is Kim's wedding ring worth?
4 million $ / 3.5 million £
The rapper, Pop Smoke, was killed during a home invasion.
How old was the boy who killed Pop Smoke?
15 years old