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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ____________(send) over 50 emails today.
I have sent over 50 emails today.
I _____________(not make) a decision about where to go on vacation.
I haven't made a decision about where to go on vacation.
I ________(sit) here all day.
I have been sitting here all day.
We _______________(reserve) a table for 8 people at 7 p.m.
have reserved
They ____________(travel) for hours. I don't know when they will arrive.
have been traveling
They _____________(see) each other twice before.
have seen
The author ___________ (write) 6 books so far.
has written
What _________________(happen) recently?
What has been happening recently?
Daniela, ______ you __________(hear) the news?
Daniela, have you heard the news?
I’m happy because I __________(finish) my homework.
I'm happy because I have finished my homework.
Nobody___________(speak) to me. I feel sad.
Nobody has been speaking to me.
Steve __________(miss) the plane.
Steve has missed the plane.
It ______________(rain) all day.
It has been raining all day.
____________you __________(see) Eric today?
Have you seen Eric today?
We ___________(know) each other for years.
have known