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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dustin and his girlfriend sing a duet of what song over the radio?
The NeverEnding Story
What is Eleven’s birth name?
Jane Ives
Hopper’s daughter, Sara, died from what illness?
Which iconic horror actor plays Victor Creel in Season 4?
Robert Englund
What is the name of the alternate dimension causing all the trouble?
The Upside Down
The Mind Flayer uses a swarm of what animal to create its monstrous physical form?
What is the ice cream parlour that Steve and Robin work at called?
Scoops Ahoy!
Which actress plays Eleven in Stranger Things?
Milly Bobby Brown
How many years old is Will Byers when he disappears?
12 years old
What is the name of Dustin’s girlfriend he meets at summer camp?
Who is the leader of the the Hellfire Club?
Eddie Munson
Which role playing game do the characters love playing?
Dungeons & Dragons
What is the name of the captured monster held in the Russian gulag?
According to Hopper, mornings are for which two things?
Coffee and Contemplation
What food does Eleven love to eat?
Eggo Waffles
In what year does the first season take place?
Who created Stranger Things?
The Duffer Brothers
What US state is the show set in?