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5th grade Unit 2 Social Science

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the types of cold zones?
polar and high mountain
Which zone is located between the tropic and the Artic Circle or the Antartic Circle?
Temperate zone
What are the types of temperate zones?
Mediterranean, oceanic, continental, and temperate desert
What is another name for a pluviometer?
a rain gauge
What do we call the amount of water that falls to Earth?
What is a characterstic of warm zones?
high temperatures from 18 degrees
In which zone is Spain located?
In a temperate zone
What are the types of warm zones?
equatorial, tropical, and dessert
In which zone is it winter for almost the whole year?
In cold zones
Which zone has extreme weather conditions with different seasons?
The temperate zone
Which zone is located between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer?
The warm zone
Where is the cold zone located?
In the polar circle and high mountain ranges.
The higher we go up, is it hotter or colder?
It is colder.
How much does the temperature drop with every 150 meters we go up?
It drops 1 degree with every 150 meters.
What is altitude?
It is the height above sea level.
Why is it hotter when we are near the Equator?
Because the Sun´s rays hit the Earth more directly.
What is latitude?
It is the distance from the Equator.
What is atmospheric pressure?
It is the weight of the air on the Earth´s surface.
What is atmospheric pressure?
It is the weight of the air on the Earth´s surface.
What is wind?
It is the flow of air in the atmosphere.
What is humidity?
It is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.
What do we use to measure precipitation?
We use a pluviometer, or a rain gauge.
What instrument do we use to measure atmospheric pressure?
We use a barometer.
What instrument do we use to measure temperature?
We use a thermometer.
What instrument do we use to find the direction of the wind?
We use a weather vane.
What instrument do we use to measure wind?
We use an anemometer.
What instrument do we use to measure humidity?
We use a hygrometer.
What is temperature?
It is the amount of thermal energy.