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ELEMENTARY 2 - INFLUENCE - Unit 8 Reading compre ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Getrude died in 2013.
False. 2003
Trudy taught swimming to deaf children for many years. T or F?
Trudy was considered a hero in The UK after her swim.
False. In the USA
The weather was great on the day Trudy swam in the English Channel. True or False?
False. It was terrible
How many kilometres did Trudy swim in The English Channel?
The Swimming of the English Channel is usually an easy 34km swim.
How old was Gertrude when she became the first woman to swim the English Channel?
How many world records did Gertrude break?
Gertrude has 8 Olympic medals. True or False?
Swimming was really popular when Gertrude was young. T or F?
How old was Gertrude when she started training at the Women's Swimming Association?
She was 12
Gertrude had 6 siblings
Her parents were from Germany. True or False?
When was Gertrude born?
She was born in 1905
Gertrude was born in New Jersey. True or False?
Flase. NY
Gertrude's nickname was Trudy. - True or False?