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GEP3 / GEA 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the blanks: Find Your _ _ _ _ _
Complete the blanks: Sharpen the _ _ _
Complete the blanks: _ _ _ _ _ Win-win
Complete the blanks: Put First _ _ _ _ _ First
Complete the blanks: Begin With _ _ _ in Mind
Complete the blanks: _ _ Proactive
I try to see things from their viewpoint. What habit is displayed?
I try to find what really interests me. What habit is displayed?
Find Your Voice
I take time to help others. What habit is displayed?
I take initiative. What habit is displayed?
Be Proactive
I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. What habit is displayed?
Put Fisrt Thing First
I do things that have meaning and make a difference. What habit is displayed?
Begin with End in Mind
I believe everyone is good at something. What habit is displayed?
Sharpen the Saw
I believe all can win. What habit is displayed?
Think Win-win
Is it Begin With END In Mind or Put First Thing First?
Begin With END In Mind
Is it Think Win-Win or Sharpen the Saw?
Sharpen the Saw
Is it Communicate or Synergize?
Is it Synergize or Communicate?
Is it Sharpen the Saw or Think Win-Win?
Think Win-Win
Is it Put First Thing First or Sharpen the Saw?
Put First Thing First
Is this Begin with END in mind or Find your Voice?
Find your Voice
Is this Be proactive or Synergize?
Be proactive