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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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what is Sara going to drink?
Sara is going to drink water.
Is Hector going to buy a motorcycle?
Yes Hector is going to buy a motorcycle.
Is Hannah going to buy vegetables?
Yes, Hannah is going to buy vegetables.
what is maria going to watch?
Maria is going to watch the novel.
Where is Sara going to travel?
Sara is going to travel to New York.
What is sofia going to buy in the store?
Sofia is going to buy sweets in the store.
what are you going to visit tomorrow?
I am going to visit the church.
Is Freddy going to buy a new motorcycle?
No, Freddy isn't going to buy a new motorcycle.
Is Hannah going to buy food to night?
Yes, Hanna is going to buy food to night.
Is he going to drink milk?
No, he isn't going to drink milk.
Are we going to watch the Simpsons?
Yes, we are going to watch the Simpsons.
Is Sofia going to visit her family?
No, Sofia isn't going to visit her family.
Are you going to drink juice?
I am going to drink juice.
Are they going to visit Tomas tomorrow?
Yes, they are going to visit Tomas tomorrow.
Is she going to drink milk?
Yes, she is going to drink milk.
Is she going to travel to Paris?
Yes, she Is going to travel to Paris.
Are you going to watch a movie the next weekend?
Yes, I am going to watch a movie the next weekend.
Is Hannah going to buy food this afternoon?
No, Hanna isn't going to buy food this afternoon.
Is Freddy going to buy a new car?
Yes, Freddy is going to buy a new car.
Is your brother going to travel tomorrow?
Yes, my brother is going to travel tomorrow.