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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How is Halloween celebrated now?
people were costumes, scare other people
Do adults celebrate Halloween?
Is Halloween profitable nowadays?
What is the origin of trick or treating?
the poor went from home to home and prayed for the souls of each families's dead in exchange for some cakese
What's a jack-o'-lantern?
curved Halloween pumpkin
When did the Potato Famine drive millions of Irish into America?
19th century
What was the name that the Samhain changed into?
All Hallows's Eve
What was the purpose of All Hallow's Day?
to honour all saints
Which pope established All Hallow's Day?
Gregory III
In which century did the Pope establish All Hallow's Day?
Why did the people light great bonfires and disguise themselves?
to repel and confuse spirits
Did the tradition begin BC (before Christ) or AD (Anno Domini, After Christ)?
What is the date of the Halloween?
31st October
Where did the Halloween tradition begin?
Celtic Ireland