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7 Dance - SPACE

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your group has 30 seconds to create a group formation shape that is SYMMETRICAL.
Teacher Decision
Select 1 person from your groups to create a SHAPE that is NARROW.
Teacher Decision
You have 30 seconds for your group to create a group formation that manipulate SPACE to communicate the feeling of ISOLATION.
Teacher Decision
Think about when you travel in the space. List as many different DIRECTIONS and FLOOR PATHWAYS as you can.
Straight, zig zag, curved, diagonal, sideways, backwards, circular
Name component of SPACE are you using if you want to manipulate the relationship between dancers?
Direction or focus
Your group has 15 seconds to create a personal shape that is CURVED.
Teacher Decision
Your group has 15 seconds to create a shape that is ANGULAR.
Teacher Decision
Name at least three words that you would use to describe different SHAPES, with with your personal or group space.
Angular/straight, curved/round, open, closed, twisted, symmetrical, asymmetrical
Your group has 15 seconds to create a group formation that used all three different levels.
Teacher decision
Name at least three components that make up space.
Aerial and floor pathways, dimension, shape, direction, focus, levels, group formations