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Heat Transfer & Changes of State

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Morning dew on plants is the example of the ..... process.
The process of melting loses heat. (True/false)
An event of changing the form from solid to gas is ....
An event of changing the form from liquid to gas is ...
The temperature of the object that receives heat will be increased. (True/false)
Which parts of the heat insulator are shown in the picture?
A,C, & D
Which parts of the heat conductor are shown in the picture?
B & E
Any materials that let heat moves or flows through it easily is the definition of ...
A heat conductor
A heat transfer process that does not require any matter is the definition of ...
Convection is ...
A heat transfer accompanied by a transfer of matter in the form of liquid and gas.
Convection can happen without any matter/object. (True/False)
Conduction happens in metal objects. (True/false)
Conduction happens in a liquid object! (True/false)
A heat transfer through a solid in which the solid does not follow the transfer is the definition of ...
What are 3 types of heat transfer?
Conduction, convection, and radiation
Heat energy also can be called as ...
Thermal energy