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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A police officer keeps everyone...
What does a fire fighter do?
A fire fighter stops fires.
Name 3 people that wear a uniform
doctor, firefighter, police officer
I work in a hospital with nurses. I help people when they are sick. I usually wear a long white coat.
I take care of people's teeth.
I act in front of a camera to make movies.
film star
I sing and dance on a stage and in videos.
pop star
I work in the circus and at parties. I do tricks to make people laugh
I work in a restaurant. I cook food.
I work in a police station. I wear a uniform. I catch bad people and keep everyone safe.
police officer
I work in a fire station. I stop fires
fire fighter
I work in a school. I help children to learn.
I work in a hospital. I usually wear a white uniform. I help doctors and take care of people when they are sick or hurt.
I work on a farm. I look after animals and grow plants to make for for everyone.