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Frequency Adverbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We / nervous / never
We are never nervous.
He / lazy / always
He is always lazy.
They / late / seldom
They are seldom late.
We / hungry / always
We are always hungry.
They / surf the Net / always
They always surf the Net.
They / drink water / always
They always drink water.
He / make the bed / always
He always makes the bed.
He / sleepy / sometimes
He is sometimes sleepy.
The dog / swim / usually
The dog usually swims.
Joanne / cry / seldom
Joanne seldom cries.
Alice / study / usually
Alice usually studies.
Eva / keep a diary / sometimes
Eva sometimes keeps a diary.
We / tired / sometimes
We are sometimes tired.
Dad / drink coffee / usually
Dad usually drinks coffee.
He / sad / never
He is never sad.
Mom / go shopping / often
Mom often goes shopping.
We / study / never
We never study.
Alice / happy / always
Alice is always happy.
Eva / nervous / often
Eva is often nervous.
She / angry / usually
She is usually angry.
He / dance / always
He always dances.
He / cook / seldom
He seldom cooks.
I / busy / at home / sometimes
I am sometimes busy at home.