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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why Jesus wanted to come to Zach's house?
Because Jesus loves him. Jesus loves everyone include us. Jesus wants us to be good children.
How did the people react to Jesus' request of Zacchaeus?
They were angry because Zacchaeus was a sinner.
Did Zacchaeus have many friends? Why didn't people like him?
No, he did not. Because he always took people's money.
In which city did Jesus meet Zacchaeus?
In Jericho.
Who is shorter? Did Zach respect Jesus?
Zach is shorter than Jesus. Yes, he did.
Who is taller? Did Jesus respect Zach?
Jesus is taller than Zach. Yes, He did.
What did Zach do after He meet Jesus?
Zach repents, returns other's money 4 times and share his money to the poor.
How was his feeling when Jesus went to his house?
What happen when Jesus saw Zacchaeus on the tree?
Jesus asked him to go down and went to Zacch's house
What did he do when he want to see Jesus?
He climbed the tree
What was Zach's job?
He was a tax collector.
Who is the name of this short man?