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What Are They Doing?

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are you doing? [write]
I'm writing.
What are you doing? [read a book]
I'm reading a book.
What are you doing? [laugh]
We're laughing.
What are you doing? [watch TV]
I'm watching TV.
What are you doing? [cry]
I'm crying.
What are you doing? [drink]
I'm drinking.
What are you doing? [ski]
We're skiing.
What are you doing? [jump]
We're jumping.
What are you doing? [swim]
I'm swimming.
What are you doing? [run]
I'm running.
What are you doing? [sing]
I'm singing.
What are you doing? [sing]
I'm singing.
What are you doing? [sing a song]
I'm singing a song.
What are you doing? [dance]
We're  dancing.
What are you doing? [dance]
I'm dancing.
What are you doing? [dance]
We're dancing.
What are you doing? [play football]
We're playing football.
What are you doing? [play video games]
I'm playing videogames.
What are you doing? [play football]
We are playing football.
What are you doing? [read]
I'm reading.
What are you doing? [read a book]
I'm reading a book.
What are you doing? [sleep]
I'm sleeping.
What are you doing?[ take a nap]
I'm taking a nap.
What are you doing? [sleep]
I'm sleeping.
What are you doing? [draw]
I'm drawing.
What are you doing? [paint]
I'm painting.
What are you doing? [color]
I'm coloring.
What are you doing? [doing homework]
I'm doing homework.
What are you doing? [study]
I'm studying.
What are you doing? [doing homework]
I'm doing homework.
What are you doing? [eat]
I'm eating.
What are you doing? [eat chicken]
I'm eating chicken.
What are you doing? [eat hamburgers]
I'me eating hamburgers.