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Present Simple vs Present Continuous
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Normally I ......... (finish) work at 5, but today I .......... (work) until midnight because of some jerks at the office
finish / am working
Karla _____ (look) for a place to live. She _____ (stay) with her sister until she finds one.
is looking / is staying
I .............. (wait) for my truck to be loaded.
am waiting
Rachel ____ (be) in New York right now. She ____ (stay) at the Park Hotel. She always ____ (stay) there when she’s in New York.
is / is staying / stays
A: _________ (you / listen) to music? B: No, you can have my headphones.
Are you listening
Hurry up! Everybody ________ (wait) for you.
is waiting
My best friend ______ (celebrate) her 26th birthday on Monday.
is celebrating
Wow! I _____ (can / believe) it! It ______ (snow) in the middle of May!
can't believe / is snowing
Be quiet, please! We _______ (take) a test.
are taking
I .....(try) to get a visa to the USA
am trying
__________(you/listen) to me?
Are you listening
_____ (the Queen / speak) English?
Does the Queen speak
This year they___________(learn) French in a new school.
are learning
My little sister ____ (have) a big dog.
I usually ...........( wait) several hours at the dock before I can leave my truck.
A: ___________ (your friends / like) video games? B: Yes, they do!
Do your friends like
How much water_______ (you / drink) every day?
do you drink
A: Today dad ______ (cook) dinner. B: That's nice. What _______ (he / usually / cook) for dinner?
is cooking / does he usually cook
My customers ________ (not / often / come) on time. It drives me nuts.
doesn't often come
Where _________ (your guests / sleep) tonight?
are your guests sleeping