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What Should I Do?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What would you do if you were in the mall and you lost your friends?
Good solution!
You are in the library studying. You are humming because it helps you to concentrate. How do the other students in the library feel about this?
Annoyed, it makes it hard for them to focus on their work.
A student near you farts. What should you do?
Nothing, ignore it.
You are at a restaurant with some friends. Your food comes first. You are really hungry, what should you do?
Wait until everybody's food comes to start eating!
Your teacher has asked you to work with someone you don't like. What should you do?
Don't say anything and follow directions.
You run into someone you haven't seen in a while. You notice they have put on some weight. Should you ask them why they putting on weight?
NO, you would hurt their feelings!
What can you say to yourself when something is difficult?
Do your best! You got this!
Give an example of a big problem and a small problem. What happens if you have a big reaction to a little problem?
You will get too upset and might look silly to others.
Name three things a friend should NEVER do.
Yes, agreed!
Name three things you love about yourself.
You're fabulous!
Does your family like it when you keep opening and closing your window while riding in the car?
No, its annoying!
You fell asleep in your clothes last night and overslept. Should you just wear these clothes to school today? Why/why not?
No, they might smell.
What would you do if you felt something was acceptable but everyone else felt it was annoying?
Stop doing it, you are annoying people.
What would you do if your teacher said something during class that was factually incorrect?
Raise your hand, and politely tell your teacher the facts. Maybe they doesn't realize what they just said.
What does it feel like to be around someone who complains all the time?
Today is the first day you are working with a small group on a project. You have great ideas. Should you do most of the talking because you have such great ideas?
No, everybody in the group works together sharing ideas!
What is a whopping topic change? How does it make people feel?
When you start talking about something TOTALLY different. It makes people feel like you aren't listening to them!
How do you join a conversation that is already in progress?
Politely say excuse me or join in talking about the same subject when someone pauses.
You are hungry for a snack, but Mom is lying down on the couch because she doesn't feel well. What should you do?
Fix your own snack instead of asking her to do it!
A new student has joined your class. They are sitting alone at lunch. What should you do?
Ask them to join you and ask questions about their old school.