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Review - Insects

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Ladybugs go through a metamorphosis before they become this beautiful insect.
True or False: Ladybugs can lay fonly one egg at a time
False. Ladybugs can lay from ten to one hundred eggs at a time.
True or False: Ladybugs fly with their inner wings.
True or False: Ladybugs can walk, but they prefer to fly.
False. Ladybugs can fly, but they prefer to walk.
True or False: There are more than 4,000 kinds of ladybugs.
How many aphids can a ladybug eat in a day?
They can eat one hundred (100) aphids a day.
What do ladybugs eat?
They eat aphids, like ants.
How many antennae do grasshoppers have?
They have two antennae.
How do bees communicate?
They dance.
How do butterflies communicate?
They smell.
How do grasshoppers communicate?
They sing.
How do insects protect their inner parts?
Insects protect their inner soft parts with a hard covering that is like a skeleton.
What do insects eat?
Some insects suck juices from plants and other insects suck blood from people and animals.
How many pairs of legs do insects have?
Insects have three pairs of legs.
How many pairs of wings do insects have?
They have two pairs of wings. The front wings and the back wings.
What are the three parts of an insect?
They're thorax, abdomen and head.
What's this insect?
It's a grasshopper.
What's this insect?
It's a ladybug.