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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the percentage of the Buddhist people in Japan?
What's the percentage of the not religious people in JAPAN?
What's the percentage of their exportations of electronics?
How many writing systems do they have?
4 writing systems
How many islands are there in Japan?
How many islands are there in Japan?
How many hours do you need to have fluency in Japanese?
2.200 hours
How many vending machines are there in Japan?
5.5 million machines
Mention 3 things you can buy on a vending machine
Beer, popcorn, coffee, cigarettes, wine, condoms, toilet paper, fresh eggs, porn magazine, women's underwear, rice
What's the name of sleeping while working?
What can people do in their jobs without being told off?
What's the capital city of Japan and how many people are there?
Tokyo, 37 million people
What's the intensity of the earthquakes in Japan?
Among 4-7 degrees
Around how many earthquakes are there every year in Japan?
+1500 earthquakes
What's the Japanese name for the Rawhorse?
What's the popular food considered a DELICACY?
Rawhorse or Basashi
Where does the brand "TOYOTA" come from?
From the creator, Kiichiro Toyoda
What's the name of the largest car brand made in Japan?
What is Japan the best at?
Making cars
Around how many people are more than 100 hundred years?
What's the average age for men and women in Japan?
Men:81 Women:88
The population in Japan is...?
What happens with the areas where the volcanoes are?
They are not suitable for agricultural, industrial or residential use
How many volcanoes are there in Japan?
+200 volcanoes
How many of the 100% of Japan are Mountains and forests?
mountains 73%, forest 70%
In which age position is Japan in Asia?
Is the youngest
How old is JAPAN?
It is 2000 years
How wide/long is JAPAN?
2 Thousand miles
How is Japan known as?
The city of the rising sun