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Air tarvel

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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C. At _____-__ your bags are weighed and your ID is checked.
B. You need a _____ ____ before you can get on a plane.
boarding pass
A. The ______ is the “passage” in the middle of a plane.
W. You sometimes have to ______ for a long time if you’re flight’s delayed.
V. You need a ______ to get into some countries if you’re not from there, e.g., Russia and the US.
U. When you get back home, you have to_______ your suitcase and put your clothes away.
T. During a flight, there might be some _________, when the plane can move in the air quite violently.
S. Everybody has to go through ______ before getting to the gate to make sure you’re not carrying prohibited items.
R. The _______ is where the planes take off and land.
Q. If the air pressure drops ________, place the oxygen mask on yourself first, then help a child.
P. When you arrive at your destination, you need to ______ __your bags at baggage claim.
pick up
O. Most people book their flights and hotels _______ nowadays, although some still go to a travel agent.
N. Sitting next to _______ children on a long flight can be very annoying.
noisy / naughty
M. You have to go through a _______ detector to check that you aren’t carrying a weapon.
L. A flight that goes across continents is usually called a _______ flight.
long haul
J. You can get ______ when you travel between several time zones and feel very tired.
jet lag
I. It’s ________ to bring plants or fresh fruit and vegetables into some countries.
H. The ____________ , or the altitude, at which most jets fly is 30,000 feet.
G. The departures board will tell you which _______ your flight is leaving from.
F. When you travel to another continent you usually have to ________ an arrival card or immigration form before you go through passport control.
fill in
E. If you have _______ baggage, it means that it weighs more than what the airline permits.
D. You take a _____ flight if you’re flying in your country.