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2º Bach. Review Unit 0/1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Vocabulary. My mother's a famous artist, but I definitely don't ___ her. I have no artistic ability.
take after
Vocabulary. Once I really __ Jim, but now, I don't admire him
looked up to
Vocabulary. Julie is ___ to go to university.
Suffixes. Remember to send your ___ (apply) today.
Suffixes. I think we learn more from a ___ (demand) teacher than from one who doesn't expect much.
Suffixes. It's better to go to a school in your ___ (neighbour) than in one farther away.
Why haven't you signed up for the trip?
Don't you wat to go?
Can you put the sign on the classroom door?
My aunt is a researcher.
She is studying body language.
She writes TV comedy shows.
The coach really encouraged me today.
He thinks my skills are really improving.
He made me feel so bad
Future Continuous or Future Perfect? We ___ (wait) for you at the train station at 5.00
We will be waiting for you at the train station at 5.00
They ___ (finish) their exams by 15th July.
They will have finished their exams by 15th July.
Future Continuous or Future Perfect Simple? During the next year we ___ (ask) thousands of teenagers to answer a survey.
During the next year we will be asking thousands of teenagers to answer a survey.
The film ___ (not finished) by 10 o'clock.
The film won't have finished by 10 o'clock.
Future. Be careful! The coffee ___ spill!
The coffee is going to spill!
The ceremony ____ (begin) at 8 o'clock.
The ceremony begins at 8 o'clock.
Do you think John ___ (like) the present I bought him?
Do you think John will like the present I bought him?
How much money ____ you ___ (spend) so far this month?
How much money have you spent so far this month?
Mr Smith ___ (not return) our exams yet.
Mr Smith hasn't returned our exams yet.
Present Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Simple?. Before she started dating Jared, her marks ___ (be) high.
Before she started dating Jared, her marks had been high.
My scooter ____ (break down) as I ____ (leave) the car park.
My scooter broke down as I was leaving the car park.
PAST: My dad ___ (get) angry because I ___ (answer) my phone while we ____ still ____ (have) dinner.
My dad got angry because I answered my phone while we were still having dinner.
We never _____ (travel) abroad. Instead, we ____ (visit) places in Britain.
We never travel abroad. Instead, we visit places in Britain.
I often ____ (have) fruit for breakfast, but today I ____ (cook) bacon and eggs.
I often have fruit for breakfast, but today I'm cooking bacon and eggs.
_____ you sometimes _____ (stay) up all night?
Do you sometimes stay up all night?
Please be quiet. I _____ (try) to read
am trying