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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Let's call Wendy. She always has "the tea"
gossip, particularly with the juiciest or most dramatic gossip
Last night's party was "lit"
it means it's super cool or "on fire."
I don't care what you say, because Tom Brady is the "goat"
Greatest of all times
I know you're just copying my style. "Bye Felicia"!
A fast way to tell someone to go away
Those women are so "basic". They're only drinking pumpkin spice lattes because everyone else is
Very common of conformist
"Bae", you're the best
Before anyone else, my partner, Boyfriend, Girlfriend
I haven't seen Michael since he started hanging out with Jeremy. Their "bromance" is epic
a mix between brothers and romance.
I got new "rides" to match my favorite shirt
tennis shoes, sneackers
No, I won't go out with your little sister. She's "busted"
"Don't have a cow", mom! I didn't eat all the ice cream.
Calm down
I gotta get this "Gig" or I will lose my apartment!!!
Job or work
She was so "hot"!
If I finish my career, my dad will give me "a grand"
A thousand dollars
Do me a favor, don't stay all day watching the "Idiot box".
The television
OMG. That performance was so "sick"!
I was "pissed off" as hell!
very annoyed
you're "nuts"!
You're insane, You're crazy
Let's "go bananas"!. what does it mean?
Let's go crazy. Let's get crazy
When I say, she has a "rocking" personality. What do I want to say?
That she has a great or awesome personality
When I don't have "dough", what do I want to say?
That I don't have money
When someone is "Dynamite", what is that mean?
That the person is awesome or great
what is "cushy"?
what is "air head"?
A dumb person
what is "dude"?