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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Mr. Mitchell's favorite Pokémon?
Noni Shrub would belong in what section of an Ahupua'a?
Bamboo would belong in what section of an Ahupua'a?
Koa wood would belong in what section of an Ahupua'a?
What are the two side of O'ahu?
Windward and Leeward
Who is Mr. Mitchell's favorite BlackPink member?
What was Mr. Mitchell's favorite book series as a middle schooler?
Harry Potter
Hunger Games
Percy Jackson
What are the three effect land had on traditional Hawaiians?
Political, Social, and Economic
Hawaiians didn’t have a written language, so the history & culture was passed down from generations to the next by doing what?
Chanting, Storytelling, and Hula
What made the next wave of the Hawaiians want to settle inland?
Population increased, ran out of room
What is the most important resource in an ahupua`a?
Water because it gives life to everything in the ahupua`a
What are the two mountain ranges on O’ahu?
Waiʻanae range to the west and Koʻolau range to the east
What is an example of "Ili"?
Lo`i patch
What does "Ili" mean?
Strips of Land
What is an example of "Ahupua`a"?
Waikele, Honolulu, Waikiki, Kahuku, and Waipio
What does "Ahupua`a" mean? (Land Only)
Land from Mountain INTO the sea
What is an example of "Moku"?
Waianae, Ewa, Kona, and Waialua
What does "Moku" mean?
District or Section
What is an example of "Mokupuni"?
Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and Big Island
What does "Mokupuni" mean?
Whole island
What does "Kai" mean?
What does "Kula" mean?
What does "Uka" mean?
What does a old Ahupua`a look like?
A severed pig head on a pile of rocks
What does a Modern Ahupua`a look like?
A sign
What does "Ahupua`a" mean?
A pig altar served as a Boundary Marker for each Ahupua`a (Land from Mountain INTO the sea).
What does "Pua`a" mean?
what does "Ahu" mean?
Pile, heap, mound, stack, platform of rocks
What was the first belief Hawaiian's had about their land?
The land would provide everything you need to survive.
Who died in 1819?
The Great Kamehameha
Who died in 1824?
Kamehameha II and his wife
Who was Kamehameha 2 and 3 mother?