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DC WK 9 review test G3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Spam email is email that I like and want. True or false
pharming can send you to a fake website. True or false
an attachment is an extra file we can send with an email. True or false
Why do we use email?
To communicate!
Do I click, "Attach" or "Compose" or "New" to start a new email?
compose or new
another word for electronic mail is
What is the domain of the email: thanhliemisgreat@gmail.com
What is the local part of the email: thanhliemisgreat@gmail.com
local part
Some one sent you an email and said "I'll kill you". What wil you do with this email?
Ignore, close it and show it to an adult that I trust
If I want to communicate with a person who is very far away from here, I can use...
emails or phone calls, letters,...
An attachment in the email can be photograph, document, or...........
sound file, video
How do you communicate with your friends?
List out 3 safety rules
Never open a strange email, install a good virus protection apps, don't reply someone you don't know
The "paperclip" symbol means you can use it to ___________
attach a file
I have the email "Sarahwilson@sunshinemaplebear.edu.vn" what is the part " SarahWilson " called?
It is called local-part
I have the email "Sarahwilson@sunshinemaplebear.edu.vn" what is the part " sunshinemaplebear.edu.vn " called?
It is called domain
I have the email "Sarahwilson@sunshinemaplebear.edu.vn" what is the part " @ " called?
How many parts are in an email?
3 parts: domain, at, local-part