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Degrees of adjectives/Personal qualities

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find synonym to the words eager and passionate.
Munisa tends to work with energy and commitment. She is ... girl.
A person who is truthful and sincere.
A person who keeps diet and do sport.
physically fit
Monica always behaves in a pleasant and kind way towards us. She is ...
Gym is ... (spacious) than our classroom. Gym is ... (spacious) hall in our school.
more spacious/ the most spacious
Angelina is ...(beautiful) than her sister. Angelina is ...(beautiful) girl in her family.
more beautiful/ the most beautiful
The Pacific is ...(big) ocean in the world. The Pacific is ...(big) than Atlantic Ocean.
the biggest/ bigger
Mike is ...(funny) boy in our group. He is ...(funny) than Bob.
the funniest/funnier
My brother is ...(tall) than me. He is ...(tall) child in our family.
taller/ the tallest