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Wild animals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are coral reefs home to many fish?
Yes, they are
Can kangaroos kick and hop?
Yes, they can.
Do parrots and squirrels live in trees?
Yes, they do.
Is a hamster bigger than a chimpanzee?
No, it isn't
Do ducks and elephants live on farms?
No, they dont.
I have both a long neck and long legs. I am
a giraffe
My ears are huge, my skin in grey, and I have tusks too. I am
an elephant
I am the fastest animal on land. I have spotted fur. I am
a cheetah
I have black fur, claws, and I can be dangerous. I am
a puma
I have hooves and horn and I eat everything. I am
a goat
I have a sharp beak, feathers, and claws. I am
an eagle