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can, can´t, could, couldn´t

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ______________ sing amazingly well.
You ___________ talk before you were born
You __________ learn English if you study enough.
I __________ play in the NBA because I'm bad at basketball
I __________ play piano when I was younger
She ____________ could sime very well last year
The raccoon __________ count because he doesn't know what numbers are
She ___________ do math when she was a baby
The bird _________ fly.
He __________ run fast
Can you speak up?
Yes I can/ No I can't
Could you eat pizza if you didn't have a mouth?
No, I couldn't.
Can you please open the window?
Yes, I can.
Could Squidward do exercise yesterday?
Yes, he could.
Could you walk when you were 6 months old?
No, I couldn't.
Could Kitty run fast?
Yes she could
Can Frank skateboard?
No he can't
Can Suzie sing?
Yes she can
Can you ski or skate?
Yes, I can / No, I can´t
Could you play guitar when you were 5 years old?
Yes, I could / No, I couldn't
Can you play tennis?
Yes, I can / No, I can't
Can you swim well?
Yes, I can / No, I can´t
Could you run fast when you were a child?
Yes, I could / No, I couldn´t
Can you play basketball?
Yes, I can / No, I can´t