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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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On which state of Brazil did the Revolt of the Tailors occur?
What was the purpose of the War of the Emboabas?
Control of the gold region in Minas Gerais.
What was the name of the leader of the movement known as Inconfidencia mineira?
oaquim José da Silva Xavier / Tiradentes.
What was the name given to the French colony in the state of Maranhão?
Equinoctial France
What cities were invaded by British?
São Vicente and Santos
Complete the sentence: In 1630, Dutch people invaded _______________ and had control over this land until 1654.
Which city of Brazil was under attack of Dutch in 1964?
When did the Jesuits arrive in Brazil?
Who were the jesuits?
They had a purpose of educating and catechize indigenous people.
Complete the sentence: Portuguese wanted to impose their _________________, ________________, and __________________ over indigenous people.
language, culture and religion
TRUE OR FALSE: There were many conflicts between Portuguese and indigenous people.
What were the 2 main Portuguese goals here in Brazil?
Setting up agriculture plantation and explore the natural resources and indigeous labor
Which other countries wanted to invade Brazil during its colonial period? (Do not consider Portugal and Spain)
Netherlands and France