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In the House

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence with this word: "Coffee table"
Example: "Don't trip on the coffee table!"
Make a sentence with this word: "Kitchen"
Example: "Is something burning in the kitchen?"
Make a sentence with this word: "Window"
Example: "Make sure you close the windows before you leave."
Make a sentence with this word: "Closet"
Example: "How many pairs of shoes are in your closet?"
Make a sentence with this word: "Drawer"
Example: "I keep my passport in my bedroom drawer."
Make a sentence with this word: "Sink"
Example: "I washed my hands in the sink."
What is this and where should it go?
A coffee table. It goes in the living room.
What is this and where should it go?
A cupboard. It goes in the kitchen (or bathroom)
What is this and where should it go?
A glass (or cup). It should go in the kitchen.
Where should this kind of table go?
In a dining room (or kitchen)
Where should a refrigerator go?
In the kitchen
Where should a sofa go?
In the living room
What is this?
A bathtub
What are these?
Plates (or dishes)
What is this?
An oven (or stove)