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Multiplication Madness

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A group of 23 adult moose are being weighed. Each moose weighs 800lbs. How much do the moose weigh all together?
Teacher Nat makes $992 every week. How much money will they make in 37 weeks?
Max knits hats. They pack 45 hats in a box. If they donated 379 boxes to the shelter, how many hats would they have donated?
17,055 hats
Carly makes jewelry. She stacked 391 bracelets into a large basket. If she sells 64 of these baskets, how many bracelets did she sell?
25,024 bracelets
Elijah, a clothing designer, makes 732 sketches of different things. He makes 24 copies of each sketch. How many copies does Elijah have?
17,568 copies
Adriana works 36 hours every week. How many hours will she have worked in 104 weeks?
3,744 hours
Gayle reads 14 fun facts every day at bed time. How many fun facts would she read in 348 days?
4,872 fun facts
Jackie is a school librarian. If she purchases 80 new books for $366 each, how much money did she spend?
Orion loves doing jump rope. He can jump 57 times in a minute. If he jumps rope one minute every day for 282 days, how many jumps would he do?
16,074 jumps
Usain Bolt holds the world record for being the only person to run 27 miles per hour. If he ran that fast consistently for 758 hours, how many miles would he have ran?
20,466 miles
Hannah practices her trumpet for 45 minutes every day after school. If she did this every day for 365 days, how many minutes would she have been practicing her trumpet?
16,425 minutes
Grace saves $500 from every paycheck. She has been saving money like this for 26 weeks. What is the total amount of money Grace has saved?
Benson used 580 wooden planks to build a shed. He needs 19 times that amount to build a house. How many planks of wood does Benson need to build the house?
11,020 planks
Michael's high score in an arcade game had been 743. After a lot of practice, he was able to multiply his score by 14. What is Michael's new high score?
The grocery store gets 24 shipments of fruit. Each shipment has 198 cargo containers inside. How many cargo containers will the grocery store receive?
4,752 cargo containers
Last spring, a pond had a population of 306 tadpoles. This year, the population grew to be 11 times that. How many tadpoles are in the pond this year?
3,366 tadpoles
Amanda buys 17 bags of candy for her Halloween party. If each bag has 645 candies inside, how much candy does Amanda have in all?
10,967 candies
Tiny the elephant eats 378 pounds of vegetables daily. How many pounds of vegetables would she eat in a total of 31 days?
11,718 pounds
Researchers are tracking the distance a shark swims. The shark swims 46 miles every day. How many total miles will the shark swim in 180 days?
8,280 miles
Joey collects baseball cards. He has 340 cards in his collection. His older brother Dawson has 12 times as many cards as him. How many cards does Dawson have in his collection?
4,080 cards
The Cardinal Carnival had 917 attendees on opening day. Each ticket was sold for $15. What is the total amount of money the carnival made on opening day?