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Gerunds Infinitives B2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is my book? Have you forgotten (borrow) it a week ago?
She forgot (bring) the salt. She left it on the kitchen table.
to bring
She remembers some moments from her childhood. She remembers (go) to school for the first time and (play) with schoolchildren in the school yard .
going /playing
Did you remember (water) the flowers? – No, I didn’t. I will do it later.
to water
Do you remember (post) the letter? – Yes, I do. I remember quite clearly. I put the letter in the letter box near the post-office.
Did you remember (buy) milk for the kitten? – Yes, I did. It is in my bag.
to buy
Don’t ask me to pay the bill. I clearly remembered (pay) it a week ago.
He was very forgetful. He never remembered (lock) the door of the garage.
to lock
We saw this movie last month. Do you remember (see) it?
Nick can’t stand ………. (repair) his old bicycle every month.
to repair /repairing
I’d like ……… (travel) all over the world when I grow up.
to travel
She likes …….. (cook) for our family. She is good at it.
My mother promised ……. (cook) a lot of tasty things on my birthday.
to cook
A stranger stopped ………… (smoke) on the corner of the street
to smoke
My dad had forgotten bringing/bring/to bring his driving licence.
to bring
Many years ago, when I was a child, I remember to travel/travelling/travelled to California with my parents.
I won a short film competition once. I’ll always remember it. FORGET I’ll ……………………… that short film competition.
never forget winning
Get some batteries at the shop. Please don’t forget. REMEMBER Please ……………………… at the shop.
remember to get some batteries
I played volleyball until I went to university. STOPPED I ……………………… I went to university.
stopped playing volleyball when
I’ll never forget ... for the first time. It was so exciting. (fly)
Have you remembered ... the rubbish out? (put)
to put
Start .... the dishwasher so that I can clean the kitchen table. (load up)
to load up /loading up
She likes ... old-fashioned clothes. (collect)
Don’t forget ... to the computer first thing in the morning. (log on)
to log on
I remember ... the camera in my bag last night, but it isn’t there now. (put)
We stopped ... some food before continuing our journey. BUY/TO BUY/BUYING
to buy
I have stopped ... horror films because they give me nightmares. WATCH / TO WATCH/WATCHING
Oh, no! I forgot ... the front door! LOCK /TO LOCK /LOCKING
to lock
I remember ... this book. But I don't know who wrote it. READ/TO READ /READING
I must remember ... this assignment today. HAND IN /TO HAND IN/ HANDING IN
to hand in
I like ... to the dentist every six months. GO /TO GO/ GOING
to go
Clair likes ... . She says it's very exciting. SKI/TO SKI/ SKIING
I'll never forget ... my favourite star! MEET /TO MEET /MEETING
I would like ... to that new restaurant. GO /TO GO / GOING
to go
Tom likes ... new people. MEET/TO MEET /MEETING
I like ... my bills as soon as I get them. PAY / TO PAY / PAYING
to pay
He stopped ... the tank with petrol, then continued driving. FILL /TO FILL/ FILLING
to fill
I forgot ... a newspaper. BUY /TO BUY/ BUYING
to buy
You should ... to the dentist every six months. GO/TO GO/GOING
She offered ... me to the airport. TO TAKE /TAKE /TAKING
to take
He denied ... the window. BREAK /TO BREAK /BREAKING
I'll never forget ... to your mother for the first time. TALK / TO TALK /TALKING
We are looking forward to _______ you. SEE /TO SEE /SEEING
I forgot _______ you yesterday. I'm sorry. CALL/TO CALL /CALLING
to call
Would you mind _______ the window? OPEN ?TO OPEN/ OPENING
I think I didn't remember ... the door when we left. TO LOCK/LOCKING/LOCK
to lock
I remember ... here when I was a child. BEING/TO BE /BE