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Harry Potter Challenge

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If someone is called a squib, what can they NOT do?
They can't do magic.
What is an "Auror's" job?
Catches dark wizards.
Who is this?
Who were Harry's Uncle and Aunt?
Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia
Who told Harry he was a wizard?
Who are Arther and Molly Weasley?
Ron's parents
What is the name of the three headed dog in the 3rd film?
What position does Harry play in Quidditch?
What is the name of the dark Wizard in Harry Potter?
Lord Voldemort
What is the name of Harry's School?
What are None Wizzards and Witches called?
What is the Gryffindor house ghost Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington's nickname?
Nearly Headless Nick
What is the name of the second film?
The Chamber of Secrets
Who is head of Griffindore House?
Professor McGonigal
Who is this?
Professor Quirrell
Who is this?
Bellatrix Lastrange
Who teaches Charms?
Professor Flitwick
Who is this?
Luna Lovegood
Who is this?
Neval Longbottom
Who makes Harry Potter's Wand?
Who kills Dumbledore?
Parseltongue tongue is the language which lets you speak to what animal?
What class has a different teacher every year?
Defence against the dark arts.
What are the Weasley twins called?
Fred and George
What is the colour that Raven Slaw use?
Blue and bronze
Who is Harry's Godfather?
Sirius Black
What is Dumbledore's first name?
How many Harry Potter Films hav there been?
What is the Gold Ball called in Quidditch?
The snitch
Name 2 Different People who taught Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Quirinus Quirrell, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Bartemius Crouch Jr, Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody, Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape, Amycus Carrow
Name the tree that the flying car hits in the 2nd Film?
The Whomping Willow
What does professor McGonigal turn into?
A cat
What is the platform number at the station for the Hogwarts Express ?
Platform 9 3/4
What does the Polyjiuce Potion do?
It changes the person who drinks it to look like someone else.
What is Harrys Patronus?
A stag
What is the name of the game where players fly on brooms?
What spell do you use to get light on the tip of your wand?
What was the name of the fourth film?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
What house does Harry belong to?
What animal is shown on the Hufflepuff House flag?
A badger
What animal did Peter Pettigrew turn into?
A rat
What is Filtch's cat named?
Mrs. Norris
Who is this?
Dobby the house-elf
What was Ron's rat named?