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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When Aaron couldn't get home on time, he knew he'd be in hot ____.
As I was telling Dad what happened, he said, "Hurry up. Don't beat around ___."
the bush
Jackie went to the fancy party dressed to ____.
the nines
When they wanted their dad to quit smoking, they talked until they were blue ____.
in the face
They boys came back tired and angry because they had been on a wild ____
goose chase
They didn't tell David the secret so he wouldn't spill ___.
the beans
Jessie complained that she always got the short end ___.
of the stick
Barbara said that the new girl at school really gets under her ____.
When Laura started interfering with her brother's problems, she was walking on ____.
thin ice
We played a game at the party to break the ____.
Steve ate something at the carnival that made him sick as a ____.
Because he knew his turn was next, he was on pins ____.
and needles
Jim was so tired when he got home that all he wanted to do was hit the ____.
Lucy and Jade got to the store before it opened for the sale because they knew that the early bird ____.
gets the worm
Kim had so much to do to get the house ready for the party that she was busy as a ____.
bee, beaver
When the man picked up the heavy-looking package, he found that it was light as a ____.