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expressive vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Her eyewitness account of the event corresponded to the actual facts so well that her teacher praised her for being so ____.
The newspaper reported that the secret agent was duped into sharing material that was ____.
When the teacher finished the lesson, she drew some pictures and graphs so the students could get additional meaning from these ____.
When it was discovered that the man had copied ideas and words from others, he was accused of ____.
The man put sunscreen all over his body so that the sun's rays would not be so ____.
Concerned scientists are studying alternative energy sources because the supply of fossil fuels will ___.
The girl's ideas were so new and original that she got an aware for being the most _____.
Good gymnasts practice every day so they can stay healthy and their bodies can bend and remain ____.
Although the new student did not know anyone at the beginning of the year, he did make friends _____.
In the race, everyone tried to win first place, but only one prize was _____.
The money was hard to find because the boy had hidden it so ____.
The math teacher was not the students' favorite, but his devotion to teaching and his efforts tostimulate their learning earned him the students' ____.
Although Kyle's rival Dan beat him at the track event, Kyle congratulated Dan, prompting the coach to say that Kyle was a good _____.
He didn't break his eyeglass frames, but he lost one of the _____.
Do no bother him when he is working intensely on a project. It is important that his thought process not be _____.
Because the lecture was uninteresting, even the best students became _____.