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Class 22 (drilling) Pre-intermediate

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We / don`t mind / go camping (-)
We don`t mind going camping.
What / you / don`t mind / do (?)
What don`t you mind doing?
I / dislike / hitchhike (+)
I dislike hitchhiking.
My twin sister / truly love / jog (+)
My twin sister truly loves jogging.
What / Tom / truly love (?)
What does Tom truly love?
He / to be fond of / painting (?) - No, he / to be fond of / programming (+)
Is he fond of painting? - No, he is fond of programming.
I / to be fond of / cooking (-)
I am not fond of cooking.
What / Anna / hate (?) - She / can`t stand / eat / sushi (+)
What does Anna hate? - She can`t stand eating sushi.
She / would like / go running (-)
She wouldn`t like to go running.
Would like / you / some coffee (?)
Would you like some coffee?
What / she / adore / do (?) - She / adore / knit (+)
What does she adore doing? - She adores knitting.
What / you / to be keen on (?) - I / to be keen on / learn / French (+)
What are you keen on? - I am keen on learning French.
I / can't stand / talk / on the phone (+)
I can't stand talking on the phone.