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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is conscientiousness?
What social domain does pertain the ability to meet our basic needs?
Competence Domain
It is known as the completion of growth of a genetic character within an organism or the unfolding of an individual’s inherent traits or potential.
(True or False) As humans grow and develop, self-concept becomes abstract and more complex.
What is Dialectic method?
Who said that the self does not exist because all of the experiences that a person may have been just perceptions and this includes the perception of self?
David Hume
Who stated ''An unexamined life is not worth living'' ?
Who is considered as the father and founder of Psychoanalysis?
Sigmund Freud
Ana Diane compared herself to someone who's in a worst situation than her. What kind of social comparison does it pertain?
Downward Social Comparison
Physical look is the individual’s perception or description of his physical self, including his physical appearance.
Who is the proponent of Theory of the Ego?
Sigmund Freud
Who believe that a human is composed of body and soul?
These are considered to be the core of every culture
What subfields of Anthropology that focuses on the study of the past and present?
According to Mead, in what stage does the children’s behaviors are primarily based on imitation?
Stage 1. Preparatory Stage