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A1. 1 CC 21: Revision 2. Unscramble the sentence ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You can open the windows ​​​​​​​after the lesson?
Can you open the windows ​​​​​​​after the lesson?
Do you want any coffee? You look so sleepy.
Do you want some coffee? You look so sleepy.
Would you like any juice for the breakfast?
Would you like some juice for the breakfast?
Can I have any water?
Can I have some water?
Have the rooms some terraces?
Have the rooms got any terraces?
I born on the 14th of July, 1993, in Kyiv.
I was born on the 14th of July, 1993, in Kyiv.
How much is it cost from your home to where you work / study by taxi?
How much does it cost from your home to where you work / study by taxi?
Do you usually get very tired after work all day?
Do you usually get very tired after working all day?
I am need to get to the city centre. Do you know where the metro station is?
I need to get to the city centre.
Can you buy something for lunch ​​​​​​​in your way home?
Can you buy something for lunch ​​​​​​​on your way home?
I’m hungry. I like to have lunch. Is there a café near here?
I would like to have lunch.
I love help people so I am a doctor.
I love helping people so I am a doctor.
We’ve got a lot of cornflakes. Please, don’t buy some cornflakes this time.
Please, don’t buy any cornflakes this time.
Mirrors ​​​​in your room?
Are there any mirrors in your room?
Do you drink usually water when you are go to the gym?
Do you usually drink water when you go to the gym?
paying card? cash Are a you by or credit
Are you paying by cash or a credit card?
much How that? is
How much is that?
please. number, Your pin
Your pin number, please.
meat? get you some Could
Could you get some meat?
you coffee? supermarket Can go to for the
Can you go to the supermarket for coffee?
in was My Italy. born father
My father was born in Italy.
from? you are Where
Where are you from?
was your weekend? How
How was your weekend?
station where the metro Do you know is?
Do you know where the metro station is?
is address? your What
What is your address?
We ran out of milk and yoghurt. Please, go to the _____ and buy a bottle of milk and a pack of yoghurt.
Please, go to the ______ and buy some bread and croissants for breakfast.
Is there an air _____ in this room?
Do you prefer to stay in a _______ or in a flat when you travel?
My cousin is married. His wife is from Japan. She is __________.
My husband is from Turkey. He is ______.
My brother works for Google. He’s a ________.
She is a _______ so she teaches people how to exercise.
I haven’t got a lot of free time at work so I only have a _____ and some coffee.
I always make ______ for my husband in the morning.
I go to an A_____ when I need some cash.
I go to a p_____ when I need to buy some painkillers.