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Take Me to Church Revision

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________________ is used to transition into sections.
What two dance styles are used in a contrasting manner in sections A and B?
Ballet and Contemporary
What are the 3 repeated motifs?
Reaching motif, Clawing motif and Head grabbing motif
The formal structure is Theme and Variation, clearly state each section.
A1, B1, A2, B2
What is section B's intention representative of?
Polunin's classical training and love for dance.
What is Section A's intention representative of?
Polunin's struggle and inner conflict with giving up dance.
How many sections of the dance are there?
As it is theme and variation structure with two sections, A and B, repeating 2 times each to give an overall formal structur
What is the formal structure of the dance?
Theme and Variation
List 3 influences on the choreographer.
• Life long friends • Trained together at The Royal Ballet School • Polunin’s natural ability and talent
List 3 influences on the Intention.
• Swan Song • ‘Bad boy’ of ballet • Substance abuse • Depression
True and False: the dance was Sergei's Swan Song?
What year was the dance choreographed?
Name the dancer in Take Me to Church
Sergei Polunin
Who choreographed Take Me to Church?
Jade Hale-Christofi