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Haemophilia A

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What happen if a woman have the mutation that causes haemophilia? a) Nothing. b) It isn't shown. c) She will need anticoagulants.
b) It isn't shown.
Which people can have the mutated chromosome? a) Men. b) Women. c) Both.
c) Both.
In which chromosome is found the disorder? a) Chromosome Y. b) Chromosome X. c) Chromosome 8.
b) Chromosome X.
Haemophilia is a _______ disorder. a) Emotional. b) Sleep. c) Genetic.
c) Haemophilia is a genetic disorder.
Which one is not a symptom of haemophilia? a) Haematomas. b) Lack of hunger. c) Excesive bleeding.
b) Lack of hunger
True or False: The main concern in haemophilia is external bleeding.
False, it's internal bleeding.
True or False: The prothrombin time test shows the type and severity of the disease.
False, the coagulation factors test shows the type of haemophilia and severity.
True of False: The aim of the diagnosis is to study if the patient's blood coagulates properly.
Which of these test is not used in the haemophilia diagnosis? a) Phrotrombin test. b) Fibrinogen test. c) Microbial culture.
c) Microbial culture