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5C1 - ESL Revision for Midterm 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The man was tired. He fell asleep. => The man ...................... .
The man who was tired fell asleep. / The man who fell asleep was tired.
We have to plant trees to have clean air. → To have clean air, we ………………… .
To have clean air, we must plant trees.
There are more books on the tables now. => There ........................ .
There used to be fewer books on the tables. / There didn't use to be many books on the tables.
Our cat was scared of our neighbor’s dog. => Our cat .................. .
Our cat used to be scared of our neighbor’s dog.
animals / What / happens / if / the seas / to / dirty / get / the /?
What happens to the animals if the seas get dirty?
pollution / Plastic / and / bottles / bags / cause / a lot of / .
Plastic bags and bottles cause a lot of pollution.
FIND ONE MISTAKE & CORRECT: I promise I will tell anyone your secret.
will => won't
FIND ONE MISTAKE & CORRECT: I think I have to wake up early tomorrow.
have to => must
FIND ONE MISTAKE & CORRECT: Did you used to go to the library at the weekend?
used => use
Mr. John ………….. is living behind my house is a teacher. (who / which / x)
She ………………….. (have to) do all the housework before going out.
has to
Peter ……………….…….. (visit) Paris next summer.
will visit
Newton used to ……………. (read) scientific books when he was a boy.
You …………………….. cross the road when the red light is showing. (must/ mustn’t/have to/ don’t have to)
Soldiers ………………….. obey orders. (must/ mustn’t/have to/ don’t have to)
have to
The ………… is that the poor don't have enough money to afford food. (problem / solution)
I will be so sad if my little plans ………………… . (fail / succeed)
The ………....….. is a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the top of its head.
1. This alarm clock takes two medium-size ..................... . (batteries / electricity / inventor / imagination)
……………….…….. are considered animals even though they lack many of the traits commonly. (Seas / Sea sponges / Animals / Birds)
Sea sponges
STRESS: A. middle B. amazing C. creatures D. dolphin
B. amazing
STRESS: A. recycle B. rubbish C. plastic D. bottles
A. recycle
PRONUNCIATION: A. stUdy B. stUdent C. stUdio D. stUpid
A. study
PRONUNCIATION: A. rEsources B. fEw C. rEmember D. rEpeat
B. few
ODD ONE OUT: A. plant B. plastic C. metal D. chemical
A. plant
ODD ONE OUT: A. inventions B. scores C. avatars D. wheel
D. wheel
ODD ONE OUT: A. compete B. collect C. play D. avatar
D. avatar