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Halloween 2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of the Celtic festival that Halloween comes from?
What vegetables did people carve before the pumpkin?
Turnips and Potatoes
Can you name this Halloween figure?
A mummy
What does the phrase "to ward off" mean?
to keep someone or something away or prevent something from happening or harming you
What is an ofrenda?
a temporary alter dedicated to a families ancestors
What fraction of all candy in America is purchased for Halloween?
1/4 (A quarter)
What is bobbing for apples and how do you play it?
When you have your hands behind your back and have to catch the apples floating in a basin of water with your teeth.
Where does the name Halloween come from?
All Hallows Evening/ Alholowmesse
What do the Irish put in Barmbrack?
A ring
What is a banshee?
An evil Irish fairy
What is the Halloween festival in Mexico called?
The day of the dead
What can a Vampire turn in to?
A bat
Can you name this Halloween figure?
Can you name this Halloween figure?
What is trick-or-treating?
When people go from door to door on Halloween in costumes asking for sweets.
Where did Halloween originate?