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What do Chelsea, Mike and Jason talk about during Claire's performance? Do they still believe that they have a chance to be in the final?
Chelsea does believe but the boys don't. They leave and go back to the garage with a sarcastic comment. Chelsea hopes that Heston will convince the others.
What does Heston and Allan think of Claire?
They like her performance, they agree that she has a great voice and plays the guitar well
What does Summer think about Claire?
She liked her at first but then said that her personality was not suited to the music industry.
What stories can Anne publish?
Only good news stories, nothing bad about the competition.
Who would have their photos printed in the local newspaper, The Evening Post?
The bands that had got into the finals
What was Anne McDonald doing?
She was taking pictures of the bands
Who is Claire's fan number one?
Her dad, PC Lewis
What four zodiac signs are named in the episode?
Scorpio, Libra, Cancer, Virgo
What does Summer say about Scorpios?
They have a sting in their tails but harmony is more important for them.
What star sign is Jack?
What was Alan's opinion of Waterfall?
He wants to see them in the final, the guitars are bad but the song is great and they sing well.