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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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panther chameleon puffs up its body to face any danger
fennec fox pants like dogs to stay warm during night
arctic fox lives in ...................
tundra desert
arctic fox has ....................ears to ...............its body
short - warm
bull sharks use a ............................to sneak up on its prey
the very long root of an acacia tree
it is a grassland habitat that has drought conditions
savannah forest
a plant that adapted to survive in snow and has a triangular shape
pine tree
the type of adaptation when a kapok tree attracts bats towards it
a plant that has wide leaves floating on water to absorb sunlight
Buttress roots grow directly downward to search for water deeply
Acacia tree grows in savannah forests in brazil
All plants can not survive in dry seasons due to the lack of water
.........................starts from the end of the small intestine and ends with the anus
large intestine
..........................break and crush food during chewing
...........................completes the digestion of food and absorbs nutrients
small intestine