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How Many [AT SENAC]

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many microwaves are there at Senac
There are SEVEN microwaves,
How many vending machines are there on the second floor?
There are TWO vending machines.
How many microwaves are there in the common area downstairs?
There are TWO microwaves.
How many snack vending machines are there in front of the second floor bathrooms?
There are TWO vending machines.
How many Coffee vending machines are there on the first floor?
There is ONE Coffee vending machine
How many classrooms are there in this hallway?
There are FOURTEEN classrooms.
How many Movie posters are there on the second floor hallway?
There are FIFTEEN movie posters.
How many wooden benches are there on the second floor hallway?
There are ELEVEN wooden benches.
How Many fire extinguishers are there on the second floor hallway?
There are SEVEN fire extinguishers.