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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pizza was created in Italy
True. It was created in Naples.
Fats are bad for you.
False. Fats provide the body with energy.
Bananas are radioactive.
True. Potassium is radioactive
Some people are allergic to red foods.
True. The red colorant of many fruits and vegetables have made many people become allergic to them.
Tomatoes are vegetables.
False. They are fruits.
Apple trees are part of the rose family.
True. They are part of the same family.
German chocolate cake comes from Germany.
False. It is American.
Hamburgers were created in the USA.
False. Hamburgers are original from Hamburg, Germany.
Pineapples grow on the ground.
True. Pineapples grow from a plant that looks like a Maguey.
Green olives are young black olives.
True. Green olives get black when they are older.
Mexico is the country that consumes more soda in the world.
True. Mexicans consume lots of soda, especially Coke.
Potatoes are 80% water.
True. Only 20% of a potato is solid, the rest is water.
70% of the world’s cabbages are grown in Croatia.
False. They just eat it a lot. The national soup in Croatia contains cabbage.
Dog food gets tested by humans.
True. Human tasters check them for quality.
Strawberries aren’t actually berries.
True. Strawberries are considered as accessory fruits.
The first Caesar Salad was made in Italy.
False. It was first made in Tijuana, Mexico.
Hawaiian pizza was created in Canada.
True. It was created in Ontario, Canada.