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Arab & Islamic Theories

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What are the characteristics of modern political theory? Provide examples how they differed from other schools.
ecularism: The modern political theory separates the religion from the state. 2. National State: MPT argues that the state is a national ownership of citizennal
Edmund Burke wanted a specific group to participate in the parliament, who is this group and why?
Rich land owners; have the ability to rule.
Why do John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jack Rousseau have extremely different ideas? What is different about their upbringing?
Hobbes: People are evil and need control, Locke: Social; contract can be broken, start of representative democracy, Rousseau: Freddom.
What is an ideology according to you and why do people have them and need them? Provide your own examples.
Set of beliefs that aid in critical thinking, problem-solving y shaping your views of the world. Example; Communism, Capitalism, ..
Who was an anti-colonial thinker? a)Edward Said b)Franz Fanon c)Gamal Abdelnasser d)Maududi
Franz Fanon; he coined the term: "Colonization of the mind"
Why did the three religions in India fight?
Each wanted to control the state after India's independence.
Why was Nkrumah inspired by Gamal Abdelnasser?
He called for African unity.
T/F: Gamal Abdelnasser was the leader of the African Union before Nkrumah.
T/F: Mawdudi elaborated on the necessity of separating the state from religion.
No. He emphasized the importance of Islamic unity "Umma".
How did Zuraiq answer the question of how to combat ignornace as Arabs?
Stop becoming egoistic, do not blame others, state and religion must be separated.
Which Islamic thinker is known for his modernization?
Jamal Al Din Afghani
Ghandi supported the division of India and Pakistan.
“The woman who sees without being seen, frustrated the colonizer” who does Franz Fanon mean here?
The Arab woman, since she is velied so no one can see her or know anything about her.
Arabs are always the terrorists in Hollywood movie, this proves which theory correctly?
T/F: In order to survive modernity as an Arab, one should be responsible and not blame anyone.
T/F: Nkrumah named his son Gamal, after Gamal Abdelnasser.
True; he was inspired by him.
T/F: Maududi said that science and democracy should be taken from the west only.
During the medivial dark ages of Europe, the Arab region experienced a golden age.
T/F: Nkrumah wanted a mixed system between Islamic, African and Western systems.
T/F: Zuraiq emphasized the importance of Islamic Umma.
False; he emphasized Arab nationalism, coined "Nakba" and necessity of interfaith dialigues.
T/F: After India gained its independence, internal fights occurred and the country was divided.
For how long was Ghandi's strike?
21 days
What is meant by "Orient"?
Who named their son Gamal because they were so inspired by Gamal Abdelnasser? a)Jamal Afghani b)Alaa Al Maududi c)Kwame Nkrumah d)Ghandi
Kwame Nkrumah
T/F: Some people were sceptikal of Afghani caue no one knew where he actually came from.
T/F: It was important to know where Afghani was from because the Sunni and Shia'a Muslims had conflicts.
Zuraiq wanted Nationalism, while Maudidi was against _________ a)Liberalism b)Jews c)Nationalism d)Religion
Nationalism (divides us; Islam is an Umma)
Which of the thinkers you had studied this week was imprisoned till death?
Jamal Al Din Al Afghani
Who said "“There are many causes that I am prepared to die for, but no causes that I am prepared to kill for”? a)Ghand b)Afghani c)Edward Said d)Franz Fanon
Who encouraged his followers to not wear British clothes, and to make their own clothes?