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Food and Diet

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Give 2 healthy eating tips to the other team
EX: You should drink 1.5 - 2 L of water per day and 3 - 4 portions of fruit per week.
Give 2 healthy eating tips to the other team
EX: You should have 5 meals a day with 20% energy consumed in breakfast. You should eat more fruits and vegetables than oils and fats.
oils and fats (such as butter) are in which food group?
Group 2
Vegetables are in which food group?
Group 5
nuts and fruit are in which food group?
Group 6
Milk and dairy products are in which food group?
Group 4
meat and fish are in which food group?
Group 3
Pasta is in which food group?
Group 1
How many meals should you have per day?
5 meals = breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner
GROUP 5: vegetables; GROUP 6: nuts and fruit
Name 3 BODY-BUILDING foods
GROUP 3: meat and fish, eggs, pulses, and nuts; GROUP 4: milk and dairy products
GROUP 1: cereals and cereal-based products (bread, pasta, etc.), potatoes and sugars; GROUP 2: oils and fats